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Sunday, May 12, 2024:


Thank you to all who helped organize this big event or spread the word, who donated, and who attended this important event last Tuesday! It was felt to be very successful and will make a difference in assisting students’ needs. The final income totals will be reported soon, as well as some pictures shared after the check is presented to the schools. The winner of the quilt raffle will be drawn here today!

Evangelical Lutheran Church in Malawi,
Africa (ELCM) – “WATER IS LIFE!’

The ELCM is a quickly growing church in the Sub-Saharan Africa region. The ELCM was established in November, 21, 1982. The establishment was done by indigenous lay people who became Lutheran as they worked in neighboring countries of Zimbabwe, South Africa and Tanzania where Lutheranism had already existed and was rooted. In 199, the ELCM and the Northwest Synod of Wisconsin, ELCA covenanted together in
a companion synod relationship.
The offering at the 2024 NW Synod of WI Assembly on June 7-8 will be given to the well project “Water Is Life.” Bishop Laurie Skow-Anderson and a group from the synod traveled to Malawi in August 2023 and learned how access to clean water was an integral part of every ministry priority in the ELCM. Early in the companion synod relationship, then Bishop Robert Berg saw the need for wells and through many
vibrant efforts raised awareness and monies more than $114,300.00 for borehole wells in Malawi. On Bishop Laurie’s recent trip, a couple of those wells were found to need repair. Also, the needs have changed.
Today the need is for deep-drilled wells which can provide water for thousands in a single area. Also, the wells will be more effective if they are solar-powered. These powered wells can withstand more effects of climate change and extreme weather.
A Noisy Offering will be taken today and the Sundays in May to raise funds for the synod assembly offering. The goal is $40,000, enough to build two solar powered deep-drilled wells. Please pray for the offering.

Online registration is now live! You can access it from the email sent to you from the website.

Click here to register: Children and Youth Programming
Schedule Link: Confirmation/BAM (schedule coming soon)
BOLT: Pre-Kindergarten thru 4th grade (September 24 to April 28)Sunday’s
10:15-10:50 a.m.
Pre-Confirmation: 5th and 6th grades (September 20 – April 24)
Confirmation: 7th and 8th grades (September 20 – April 24)
6:30 -7:30 p.m.
Trinity Lutheran, Hammond

Sunday worship assistants are needed!
Click here to sign-up: Sunday Worship Helper

Our Mission Statement:

Trinity Lutheran Church is a community of people called together through Word and Sacrament to trust God’s promises, to celebrate God’s gifts, to reflect on the meaning of God’s love, and to reach out in love to share God’s gifts with everyone.

Our emphasis at Trinity is God’s Work, Our Hands.